Speech Habits – get the best from your voice

Barak Obama demonstrates good use of voiceWhat do you want from your voice? To inspire others..? To lead your team…? To convey your ideas with enthusiasm and clarity…?

How can you achieve that and what is stopping you?

Over time we all develop poor habits and the way we routinely use our voice is no exception. Unchallenged, we will go on speaking the way we always have done and wonder why

  • we don’t get promoted
  • others seem more successful
  • we suffer from a lack of confidence when speaking.

I hear people who speak too quickly, mumble, have a strong accent or who are simply nervous about speaking in front of others and these speech habits can block our progress.

If we speak in a certain way and don’t receive any guidance, our speech habits become embedded, and we don’t even think about it. Try folding your arms. Now do it again, but cross them the other way round. The second way will probably feel strange and slightly uncomfortable, even unbalanced. This can quickly showed you an embedded habit.

The ‘new’ way may feel different for a short time, but undertaken routinely, this way soon becomes the new habitual and embeds into muscle memory.

Five key ingredients for improved speech habits are:

  • Pitch
  • Pace
  • Pause
  • Projection
  • Passion

Try taking yourself out of your speech comfort zone – if you experience more, you may have more tumbles but you develop higher levels of ability through finding and using good speech habits.

For help to release you from your speech habits, get in touch.

Voice Synergy – it’s all about clarity, confidence and impact