I have recently made a relaxation recording for Bath Radio to help with feeling of anxiety as we are faced with isolation in lockdown. I though this might also be useful to you or any friends or family who are feelings anxious at this time. The relaxation exercise lasts for just over three minutes, so I hope you can relax and enjoy a bit of time to yourself.
“Hello, I’m Debbie Chatting and I’m here to help you if you have any feelings of anxiety at this time. As usual, I’m going to suggest you find somewhere quiet and comfortable to sit down and relax… and today, we’re going to focus on just breathing.
“Breathing recharges our whole system with oxygen and energy and it’s something we can often forget to do! When we’re anxious, those feelings can transfer to tension in our body, making it more of a challenge to allow all that wonderful oxygen to flow into our lungs.
“When you’re comfortable in your quiet place, let your eyes close… place your hands loosely in your lap… close your mouth, relax your jaw and let your next breath in… gently filling your lungs with air…
“You might notice your stomach moves gently out as you breathe in… that’s quite normal, it’s making room for your lungs to expand.
“Breathe out either through your mouth or nose, whichever feels more comfortable… and relax your shoulders.
“When your breath is out, close your mouth again and let the air flow back in through your nose and fill your chest and lungs again….
“The nose acts like an amazing cleaner to the air you breathe in… the air passing in through your nose is gently warmed, cleaned and even moisturised, ready for your lungs to enjoy and pass the oxygen around your whole body.
“It’s a wonderful relaxed rhythm… breathe into the bottom of your lungs if you can imagine it, and gently let the air flow out again in a relaxed, regular rhythm.
“Think about your shoulders and let them loosen, think about your eyes, closed and relaxed and feel your muscles in your face soften.
“As you breathe in your next breath, think about your legs and knees… and as you breathe out, let all your muscles in your lower body soften and relax.
“Move your thoughts to the muscles in your shoulders and arms… let them calmly unwind and let your shoulders drop….
“Now keep the flow of your breath calmly moving in and out of your lungs and gently tense your toes and relax them.
“On the next breath, tense your hands, then relax them, and finally… tense your shoulders then relax and soften the muscles in your shoulders and your neck.
“Now I’d like you to think of something to make you smile… And on the next outbreath, slowly open your eyes… Take a few moments to re-adjust, before quietly getting up out of your chair and calmly returning to your day.
“I hope this helps you feel more relaxed and comfortable and ready to cope with the things that come your way.
“This is Debbie Chatting, I’m thinking of your and I’ll speak to you again soon.”